20 Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) 21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”
After Jesus is resurrected he finds himself with his disciples and at this moment we find the snippet of verses 20 and 21.
For context, Jesus is about to ask Peter to follow him after being raised from the dead.
Peter, who has seen that Jesus is truly the Messiah, still is frustrated by a few questions Jesus has for him.
But Jesus still asks a 2nd and 3rd time if Peter truly loves him.
Finally, he encourages Peter to:
“Follow me!”
Jesus extends the greatest invitation this world has seen.
Two opportunities to follow the Messiah!
One before He gave his life and the second after He resurrected.
Peter, being so caught up in someone else’s business, asks Jesus about another follower and what will come of him.
Will they die a horrible death?
Will they be in the kingdom of heaven?
What is their fate?
The Bible is funny to me because in this moment we see Jesus turn very sarcastic.
Jesus answers in verse 22, ….“If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?
When I read this verse all I hear is,
“Mind your business!”
Peter kept being questioned by Jesus because his focus was in the wrong place.
Jesus brought Peter’s focus back so that Peter would realize that another man’s business had nothing to do with him nor could it save him.
To be saved Peter had to love Jesus and follow Him!
If we want to do both, we must focus on Him.
Where is your focus?
Are you minding your business?
Are you dilly-dallying in someone else’s business or spending time in useless vices?
God has given each of us a purpose on this earth.
It’s hard to find that purpose if you are focusing on what others have and what God has given to them.
Find your focus, mind your business, and follow God’s will for you.
He won’t let you down.
-G. Banks