Matthew 28:17
“And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted”
Jesus who had just risen from the dead (earlier this chapter) was preaching to his disciples.
They spent three-plus years with Jesus and were happy that He was alive.
He was a mentor and even a friend to most of them.
They worshipped him of course, because He is the Messiah.
But this is my first time noticing that some still doubted that it was HIM.
A disciple of Jesus seeing the miracles over the last 3 years?
And yet they still doubt.
Of course, Jesus knew they were doubting.
He’s Jesus!
But he didn’t call anyone out.
He kept going with his message.
Go out to preach, teach, and make disciples (The Great Commission vs. 17-19).
He didn’t comment on the doubt because he knew they were human.
No matter what we do, we will still doubt.
That’s why he encouraged us that all it takes is the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains and not the other way around.
The next time you find yourself doubting what God can do for you I invite you to worship.
It’s a faith-building exercise.
Doubting is part of the process.
When doubt starts creeping up in your mind, praise God because you know he’s going to come through for you.
Can you truly build faith if you never doubt?
G. Banks